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{ about AARON GRAYUM }



aaron grayum :: i believe


When I was a kid, I would draw all kinds of things
with all sorts of materials. As a 5-year old, my artistic expertise
and understanding of the way life worked only went so far.
So a quarter-century later, with a little extra knowledge
and a few more skills in my paintbox,
I decided to travel back through my life
and give a new voice to my childhood self.

My hope in sharing my work with you
is that perhaps you will have the experience
of getting lost for a moment,
away from the complications, the fears,
the regrets, and the worries that have sneaked
into your life somewhere along the way.
I want these images to take you
to another place entirely,
where you can remember what it was like
to see through the fog and into a world
where anything is possible.

— Aaron



zoe tops | | | john danley | | | lori anne parker | | | las paletas | | | knobstoppers




All images © Aaron Grayum